Phoenix Securities

A cyber security and anti-hacking company for the modern, reborn age.

Who is Phoenix Securities?

Phoenix Securities is a modern day, high tech security company focused around current world threats. From operational attacks on your fiscal pipelines to hyper focused ransomware the challenges are greater than ever. But with Phoenix Securities you will find that nothing stands in the way of your business and it's productivities, and you will have the power to burn any cyber criminal to the silicon. Don't settle for common options from giant companies, who only focus on the bottom line. Partner with us and you will succeed.

Designed for business support

Most companies operate under a one size fits all plan. Not with Phoenix Securities. We work closely with your business and technical professionals for a custom tailored security solution.

Time savers

Don't let business hours be the limiting factor in your cyber threat response. Phoenix Securities is staffed around the clock to respond instantly to your threat situations and push back the wall of criminals online.

Strike Back

Other security firms are content to simply defend your business. Not Phoenix Securities. Our teams work with law enforcement around the world to bring down crimminals wherever they operate, so you can sleep easier at night.


Our Philosophy

Security and Protection, First

The internet is a dangerous place. From benign issues such as lack of proper updates, insecure access pages, and careless techs and employees; to the actions of nation states, cyber criminal gangs, and organized espionage, your data is under constant assault. With all that, it's a wonder anyone does business online. But that's where Phoenix Security comes in.

Phoenix Securities was founded and built from former government cyber defense agents and private specialists, including reformed hackers, whom have taken on the goal of making the internet safe for all people again. This crack team works first to secure your networks and set up monitoring and alerts within your system that notify our specialists of anything unexpected. They work with your own team to coordinate a response and prevent the exfiltration and monetizing of your stolen data, and then, they work with law enforcement, tracing the criminals back to their source and ensuring they are dealt with once and for all.

Services and Terms

Please contact our sales team for services and terms. Please note initial response is dependent upon having contacts in place at time of cybersecurity event. Don't wait, contact our sales team today and get yourself secured!


Phoenix Securities is available 24/7/365 to help solve and address your security needs.
Do not be afraid, for security will rise from the ashes and be borne anew.

Contact Our Team